ENIFOME NIGERIA LIMITED is a company with high technical profile. The company is duly registered with Corporate Affairs Commission. We have a lot of tentacles especially in several works of life. Therefore, it is worthy to say that our Company is holding expertise in the undermentioned:.
Pipeline Construction and Repair works, Civil Construction, Electrical Engineering, Thermal Insulation works, Procurement and Supplies, General Contracts.
We have been consistently demonstrating technological innovation, providing our clients with innovative and total engineering solutions that are cost efficient and effective. We believe strongly in a multi- disciplinary approach to problem solving. However, we will endeavor to work with you from scratch to finish… from conception through selection of the most economical design options to project construction and management procurements.
Enifome Nigeria Limited has the capacity to provide world class services and carry out project execusion for Nigeria and multinational companies and thus maintain a leading edge in providing high quality services in the following areas:
We strongly rely on the profound competences of our personnel either on the managerial or the technical aspects. By this we simply mean, that our staff strength are tested and proven in terms of the quality of work they produce..
KLM 5 Refinery Road By C.V.C Filling Station, Ekpan Delta State Nigeria
Copyright © 2023 - Enifome Nigeria Limited.